Hope Wrapped Up: Barad’s Blankets

Hope Wrapped Up: Barad’s Blankets

In March 2022, when Lindsay Barad packed for her CRS/HIPEC hospital stay, she thought she over-packed.

The one item that she didn’t bring along was a blanket and her first night in the hospital was freezing! The next morning, her father, Jim, stopped at a local department store and purchased two blankets for his daughter. He found this highly ironic as his business, Barad & Co, is a textile manufacturing company that produces plush blankets.

For the next week, Lindsay recovered in the hospital, wrapped up in those cozy blankets. They boosted her spirits, kept her warm, and helped make the sterile hospital room feel more like home. She found similar comfort with PMP Pals. Both have proven invaluable in establishing emotional resilience for living beyond a rare disease diagnosis like appendix cancer.

PMP Pals is partnering with Barad & Co to send Pals worldwide a gesture of comfort. Jim’s gift is his way of giving back to the community which has helped his daughter, Lindsay, as a patient, and him as a caregiver. Similar to our Bare Bottom Bears Program, Pals will send you a complimentary, cozy, plush blanket by mail, as you head into (or home from) surgery or other challenging treatment. This blanket symbolizes what we want every Pal to know: no matter what you are going through, you are not alone.

To request a blanket, email Lindsay at lindsay@pmppals.net. Include the name of the patient or caregiver recipient, mailing address with zip code, and phone number (if available). Out-of-country requests are accepted, however take a longer time to arrive. Limit one blanket per household..

After you receive your Barad’s Blanket in the mail, send us a photo and tell us how this Message of Hope lifted your spirits.

Send in Your Gut-Sensitive Recipes

Send in Your Gut-Sensitive Recipes

We all know that feeling – the Dreaded Belly Bomber – following an all-too-good-tasty meal. It’s bittersweet and frustrating. But what are we to do about a sensitive gut, the by-product of a transitioning gastro system post-surgery?
Some of us get a team nutritionist’s help. Mostly, we’re left to figure it out. Good news is you don’t have to go it alone because a bunch of Pals already have had success.
We’re looking for Pals recipes, meal ideas, and smoothies that are easy on the system and taste great (most of the time). They can be weight-gainers, belly soothers, or just plain fun for an over-anxious, deprived palate.
Send us your recommendations and we’ll compile another Pals in the Kitchen Cookbook for those in our community who are just out of surgery, adjusting to a compromised digestive tract, and experiencing food sensitivities.
Send us your best dish:
> Email your name, town & state
> Complete recipe with ingredients list and measurements
> Include cooking times or special pans needed
> BONUS for nutritional composition
> A photo of you in the Kitchen or the final dish
Caregivers Guide Us Back to Life

Caregivers Guide Us Back to Life

Words cannot express the gratitude we have for our caregivers. Spouses, partners, siblings, parents, children, and friends step in to help us through challenging times laden with heavy physical demands and psyche-wrenching emotional waves. By their simple acts of compassion and practicality, we get well. Caregiving, short and long term, is no easy task. Recognize your caregiver’s support, sacrifice, and love with a Tribute Gift in their name to PMP Pals.

You can also make a tribute to honor yourself — we actively choose to care for and nurture ourselves on this journey, too!

Postcard from a Pal: Carrie R.

Postcard from a Pal: Carrie R.

Ever wish you could share something special with all Pals, all at once? Want to update us on what you’ve been up to? Share a recent accomplishment or milestone? Brag about your garden or grandchildren? Tell a joke?

Send your note (3-8 sentences, 1-5 photos) to tara@pmppals.net. We’ll include your Dear Pals message in an upcoming newsletter! Here’s one from Pal Carrie R. from Randolph, MA (just outside of Boston):

Dear Pals, If you asked me a year ago if I would be joining a group of cancer survivors and meeting them in another state, I would have told you absolutely not. Fast forward a year and my answer is ABSOLUTELY! This group has been my “go to,” my saving grace over the last year.  I do not think I would be mentally in a good place without everyone I have connected with. It was such a wonderful feeling to meet in person with people whom I have only seen in a 2-inch cube on my computer screen. While being in Milwaukee gave me such HOPE, the weekend was filled with knowledge from the medical staff who spoke about various topics even touching on nutrition and sleep, to the beautiful botanical gardens. The evening reception was fabulous as well because we sat and mingled with our new friends, never a dull conversation. Late night Irish bars were fun too!  Next year I am sure the crowd will grow. I do not plan on missing a Pals Meet-Up, because it was informative and fun, and most importantly, it was very emotional meeting the people who have had a part of carrying me through the last year. I am proud to call you all my friends and look forward to Meet-Up ’24! Your Pal, Carrie R.