National Triva Day: Test Your PMP Pals Know-How

National Triva Day: Test Your PMP Pals Know-How

In honor of National Trivia Day (January 4), we pulled together trivia on our founder Gabriella Graham, her legacy PMP Pals, and the rare disease that started it all, appendix cancer and pseudomyxoma peritonei. Test your knowledge with the 30 questions below and let us know how you did on our Facebook or Instagram Page.

1. In what city was Gabriella Graham raised?
2. What was the name of her pet conure?
3. What was the name of her pet cat?
4. What was the name of Gabriella Graham’s dog, PMP Pals’ first mascot?
5. What professional bestows the Gabriella Graham Patient Advocacy Award at their annual conference?
6. What two Pals have received this award?

7. In what year was PMP Pals founded?
8. In what year did Pals start Hope Zoom?
9. Which PMP Pal currently competes as a PMP Pals Athlete Ambassador?
10. Which PMP Pal is known as Captain Chemo?
11 Which PMP Pal is known as Superman?
12. Who is our Caregiver Extraordinaire & Mentor Coordinator?
13. Which beloved Pal loves snow?
14. Which Pals started the Barad Blanket Program?
15. What is the official Pals flower?
16. What is the name of PMP Pals bear mascot?

Meet Up'24, the group at Desert Botanical Gardens, Scottsdale, AZMEET UP
17. Where was the first PMP Pals Meet-Up held?
18. In what Midwest city did Pals host a Meet-Up?
19. In addition to Gabriella, which Pals coordinated Meet-Ups?
20. Who was the cannabis expert speaker at Meet Up’24?
21. Where was Meet Up’23 held?
22. Which Pal was the motivational speaker at Meet Up’22?
23. Which two physicians spoke at Meet Up’21 online and now serve on the PMP Pals Medical Advisory Board?

24. What does PMP stand for in the context of Appendix Cancer?
A) Peritoneal Mucinous Production
B) Pseudomyxoma Peritonei
C) Peritoneal Malignant Pathology
D) Primary Malignant PMP

25. What does HIPEC stand for?
A) High-Intensity Peritoneal Endoscopic Care
B) Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy
C) Hypothermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy
D) Hyper-Inflammatory Peritoneal Endoscopic Care

26. What is the primary goal of HIPEC treatment?
A) Reduce inflammation in the peritoneal cavity
B) Kill microscopic cancer cells left after surgery
C) Prevent infection during recovery
D) Improve overall immunity

27. What does the term “cytoreduction” refer to in PMP and Appendix Cancer treatment?
A) Reducing blood pressure
B) Removing as much visible tumor as possible
C) Increasing chemotherapy dosage
D) Stimulating the immune system

28. What percentage of appendix cancers are typically discovered during surgery for appendicitis?
A) 5%
B) 10%
C) 20%
D) 50%

29. During cytoreductive surgery, what is the procedure called where the surgeon removes the peritoneal lining, usually in the lower right quadrant?

30. Who pioneered the use of HIPEC for this disease, remains an active advocate for our community, and spearheads PSOGI (Peritoneal Surface Oncology Group International)?


  1. Carmel by the Sea, CA, USA
  2. Sheba
  3. Toby
  4. Chulita
  5. SSO/ACT, Society of Surgical Oncology/Abdominal Cancer Therapies
  6. Past president Chris Piekarski and current president Adele Jasion
  7. 1998
  8. Our first physician presentation “Minimally Invasive Diagnostics & Treatments” featuring Dr. Jesus Esquivel was May 30, 2020.
  9. Ariel Mirendorf
  10. Willie C.
  11. Paul C.
  12. Connie C-A.
  13. Jamie V.
  14. Jim B. and his daughter Lindsay
  15. Sunflower
  16. Hope
  17. Any of these answers are correct: Monterey, Seaside, Bayonet, Black Horse Golf Club
  18. Milwaukee, WI
  19. Chris P., Charmaine S., Lindsay B., Roberta G.
  20. Jane Fix, Jane E. Fix Consulting, AZ
  21. San Diego
  22. Joel Neeb
  23. Dr. Jula Veerapong and Dr. Melanie Onchin
  24. B) Pseudomyxoma peritonei
  25. B) Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy
  26. B) Kill microscopic cancer cells left after surgery
  27. B) Removing as much visible tumor as possible
  28. B) 10%
  29. Pertionectomy
  30. Dr. Paul Sugarbaker

Congratualtions! Thanks for taking the PMP Pals Trivia quiz.

Have trivia questions you’d like included here? Email them to



Unsplash-Bertt Jordan

Resource Roundup: Year-end 2024

A Caregiver’s Research: Appendix Cancer & Pseudomyxoma-Peritonei-PMP CRS-HIPEC compiled by Julian S. (click here)

Canadian Pal Julian S. is a care partner with his wife, Maggie. As part of their experience navigating appendix cancer and her ultimate treatment – CRS & HIPEC – they learned a lot along the way. Last updated September 14, 2024

Cancer-related Articles & Studies (5)

Appendix Cancer, Continuing Education (Dr. Azeberoje Osueni; Dr. Yuvraj S. Chowdhury, National Library of Medicine) August 2023
Mapping how cancers form and spread, (National Institutes of Health/NIH) November 2024
Most tumors in body share important mutations (NIH) September 2018
Y chromosome affects cancer growth, (NIH) July 2023
14 Micro Self-Care Practices That Take Less Than 60 Seconds, (The EveryGirl) October 2024

Got a resource to share with our Pals community? Email us the link for our next article round-up.



PMP Pals Resource Roundup: Winter 2024

Peritoneal Surface Oncology Group International | PSOGI logoThis quarter, we found Purposeful Reading with a newsletter from PSOGI chairman and CRS/HIPEC pioneer Dr. Paul Sugarbaker, a handful of articles.

PSOGI World News (1)

  • Section 1: Progress in Clinical or Laboratory Research: A Classification of Pseudomyxoma Peritonei Based on the Natural History of the DiseaseA classification essential for the surgeon to assess prognosis after CRS and HIPEC (Dr. Sugarbaker)
  • Section 2: The back story on Center of Excellence, The Basingstoke (Dr. Sugarbaker, edited by Tom Cecil)
  • Section 3: Listing of upcoming events
  • Section 4: Alternatives to traditional HIPEC, a peak at Radspherin®, a novel alpha-radiopharmaceutical for intraperitoneal administration to combat residual microscopic disease following CRS with or without HIPEC (Stein Gunnar Larsen,Roy Hartvig Larsen, Øyvind Sverre Bruland)
  • Section 5: Pioneers of progress in peritoneal surface malignancyWho was John Stricklin Spratt, Jr., MD? (Dr. Sugarbaker)
  • Section 6: Focus on active PSM protocols, Peritoneal metastasis in gastric cancer treated with bidirectional approach comprising PIPAC and systemic chemotherapy (Shigeki Kusamura)
  • Section 7: Editorial comments

PSOGI Website (2)

Calculating the Peritoneal Cancer Index, October 2016
Who is candidate for CRS/HIPEC? Opinion from Dr. Sugarbaker, July 2016

Cancer-related Articles & Studies (8)

Research reveals how fructose in diet enhances tumor growth, (Talia Ogliore, Washington University) December 2024
The Landscape of Circulating Tumor DNA (ctDNA) in Appendiceal Adenocarcinoma, (Various) December 2024
Leading Edge of Cancer Symposium, MD Anderson Center
– ABSTRACT: A Prospective Randomized Crossover Trial of Systemic Chemotherapy in Patients with Low-Grade Mucinous Appendiceal Adenocarcinoma (Submitter Dr. Abdelrahman Yousef, MD Anderson) December 2024
– ABSTRACT: Goblet Cell Tumors of the Appendix: Clinical & Molecular Features, (Submitter Dr. Abdelrahman Yousef, MD Anderson) December 2024
POSTER (Submitter Dr. Abdelrahman Yousef, MD Anderson) December 2024
– ABSTRACT: Utility of plasma tumor marker levels in management of patients with appendiceal adenocarcinoma (Submitter Dr. Abdelrahman Yousef, MD Anderson) December 2024
View the full book of abstracts and symposium posters on OpenWorks @ MD Anderson
Stressed out? These 8 skills can help boost mood and reduce anxiety (NPR) September 2024

Got a resource to share with our Pals community? Email us the link for our next article round-up.