Ever wish you could share something special with all Pals, all at once? Want to update us on what you’ve been up to? Share a recent accomplishment or milestone? Brag about your garden or grandchildren? Tell a joke?
Send your note (3-8 sentences, 1-5 photos) to tara@pmppals.net. We’ll include your Dear Pals message in an upcoming newsletter! Here’s one from Pal Carrie R. from Randolph, MA (just outside of Boston):
Dear Pals, If you asked me a year ago if I would be joining a group of cancer survivors and meeting them in another state, I would have told you absolutely not. Fast forward a year and my answer is ABSOLUTELY! This group has been my “go to,” my saving grace over the last year. I do not think I would be mentally in a good place without everyone I have connected with. It was such a wonderful feeling to meet in person with people whom I have only seen in a 2-inch cube on my computer screen. While being in Milwaukee gave me such HOPE, the weekend was filled with knowledge from the medical staff who spoke about various topics even touching on nutrition and sleep, to the beautiful botanical gardens. The evening reception was fabulous as well because we sat and mingled with our new friends, never a dull conversation. Late night Irish bars were fun too! Next year I am sure the crowd will grow. I do not plan on missing a Pals Meet-Up, because it was informative and fun, and most importantly, it was very emotional meeting the people who have had a part of carrying me through the last year. I am proud to call you all my friends and look forward to Meet-Up ’24! Your Pal, Carrie R.