Resource Roundup: Year-end 2024
A Caregiver’s Research: Appendix Cancer & Pseudomyxoma-Peritonei-PMP CRS-HIPEC compiled by Julian S. (click here)
Canadian Pal Julian S. is a care partner with his wife, Maggie. As part of their experience navigating appendix cancer and her ultimate treatment – CRS & HIPEC – they learned a lot along the way. Last updated September 14, 2024
Cancer-related Articles & Studies (5)
PMP Pals Resource Roundup: Winter 2024
This quarter, we found Purposeful Reading with a newsletter from PSOGI chairman and CRS/HIPEC pioneer Dr. Paul Sugarbaker, a handful of articles.
- Section 1: Progress in Clinical or Laboratory Research: A Classification of Pseudomyxoma Peritonei Based on the Natural History of the DiseaseA classification essential for the surgeon to assess prognosis after CRS and HIPEC (Dr. Sugarbaker)
- Section 2: The back story on Center of Excellence, The Basingstoke (Dr. Sugarbaker, edited by Tom Cecil)
- Section 3: Listing of upcoming events
- Section 4: Alternatives to traditional HIPEC, a peak at Radspherin®, a novel alpha-radiopharmaceutical for intraperitoneal administration to combat residual microscopic disease following CRS with or without HIPEC (Stein Gunnar Larsen,Roy Hartvig Larsen, Øyvind Sverre Bruland)
- Section 5: Pioneers of progress in peritoneal surface malignancyWho was John Stricklin Spratt, Jr., MD? (Dr. Sugarbaker)
- Section 6: Focus on active PSM protocols, Peritoneal metastasis in gastric cancer treated with bidirectional approach comprising PIPAC and systemic chemotherapy (Shigeki Kusamura)
- Section 7: Editorial comments
PSOGI Website (2)
Calculating the Peritoneal Cancer Index, October 2016
Who is candidate for CRS/HIPEC? Opinion from Dr. Sugarbaker, July 2016
Cancer-related Articles & Studies (8)
John Razzano quickly slid into role of family caregiver when his wife, Mary, was diagnosed with our rare cancer in 2014. That meant playing head nurse, chief paperwork officer, cheerleader, and patient advocate. “During that time, I felt alone and isolated trying to navigate the physical, emotional, and psychological elements of Mary’s treatment. Mary succumbed to the disease in late 2015, and one year later my adult son was diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma. I shared caregiver duties with my future daughter-in-law and today, my son is healthy and in remission.”
During this time, John started a support group with Dr. Fran Baumgarten at UCSD for family caregivers of cancer patients to let people know a community exists willing to support and hold up its fellow caregivers. “We created the podcast, Caregiver Companion to let caregivers know they are not alone. We launched in December 2023, and we now have 10 episodes and publish every two weeks. I think it’s a very useful resource for caregivers. I hope you enjoy it and find it useful.”
Caregiver Companion, A Guide to the Family Caregiver of Cancer Patients is available via
Spotify and
Apple Music. Add to your playlists and leave a review.