Each year, SSO/ACT extends the Gabriella Graham Patient Advocacy Award “to an individual or patient advocacy organization that has provided support and hope to patients and families facing cancers that are often treated with a regional treatment approach.” Pals past-president Chris Piekarski and current president Adele Jasion received the honor in 2022 and 2018, respectively. Not only does this award recognize the important role of patient support, it reminds us of the decades of service by Gabriella and PMP Pals.

SSO/ACT recognized the work of Manju George, MVSc, PhD, and the patient advocacy community, COLONTOWN. Manju knows a thing or two about cancer as she’s a Stage 3b rectal cancer survivor. After her diagnosis in 2017, she joined COLONTOWN and applied her post-doctoral training and research experience in Cell and Cancer Biology to develop “CRC 101,” an introductory educational primer for patients new to the colorectal cancer journey. Much like PMP Pals, COLONTOWN offers patient-centered resources, a vibrant Facebook community, “Doc Talks” with expert & physician presentations, and support through peer exchange. Take a look at their website for interesting information and resources you might find helpful.

Congratulations Manju for emboding the spirit and persistence of our founder and helping patients worldwide live well beyond their diagnosis.