Send in Your Gut-Sensitive Recipes

Send in Your Gut-Sensitive Recipes

We all know that feeling – the Dreaded Belly Bomber – following an all-too-good-tasty meal. It’s bittersweet and frustrating. But what are we to do about a sensitive gut, the by-product of a transitioning gastro system post-surgery?
Some of us get a team nutritionist’s help. Mostly, we’re left to figure it out. Good news is you don’t have to go it alone because a bunch of Pals already have had success.
We’re looking for Pals recipes, meal ideas, and smoothies that are easy on the system and taste great (most of the time). They can be weight-gainers, belly soothers, or just plain fun for an over-anxious, deprived palate.
Send us your recommendations and we’ll compile another Pals in the Kitchen Cookbook for those in our community who are just out of surgery, adjusting to a compromised digestive tract, and experiencing food sensitivities.
Send us your best dish:
> Email your name, town & state
> Complete recipe with ingredients list and measurements
> Include cooking times or special pans needed
> BONUS for nutritional composition
> A photo of you in the Kitchen or the final dish
Pals in the Kitchen Cookbook 2022 Holiday Edition

Pals in the Kitchen Cookbook 2022 Holiday Edition

Pals in the Kitchen Holiday Edition 2022, A Compilation of our Favorite Holiday Recipes is Pals’ first-ever cookbook. Pals from all over the globe shared Grandma’s secret recipes, family traditional mainstays, and special occasion deliciousness in a gesture of solidarity. We share them here with you to bring you comfort and connection. After all, we have much to be grateful for this holiday season. And we want you to know that you are not alone when faced with an appendix cancer diagnosis…or in the KITCHEN, for that matter!

As Pals, we have each other, and we have HOPE for you! Try out a recipe, snap a photo, and post it to our Facebook or Instagram pages with the hashtag #palsinthekitchen.

Click here for the full-color digital version. Be sure to bookmark this page for future reference!

If you found this cookbook helpful and enjoyable, make a donation to PMP Pals. Ninety-five percent of our finances support the Programs & Services which, in turn, support people diagnosed with appendix cancer, their caregivers and families, and the medical professional community. We really do a lot with a little, so give generously!